Friday, April 20, 2007


The Sahara this located to the south that is to say, underneath Morocco. It is a country with a serious political problem that is this: Before, the Sahara was a Spanish protectorate, but Hassan II I order the “marcha verde” and govern Spanish gave the back them. The town saharaui was bombed with napalm and white phosphorus, and had to take refuge in hamadas. Nowadays it has more than 200000 people than they continue there, living in bad conditions and that thanks to the international aid survive, whereas the politicians turn the head before the problem.
The culture of the town Sahara is a mixture between African and bereber, reason why she is rich in all his qualities as much in the song, the dance or the poetry the characteristics of the culture are of nomadic origin, always dedicated to the love to the nature, appreciating specially as much the vegetation as the climatic changes.
The power point
of the Sahara that you put to us in the school.
Bibliography: The encyclopaedia "El Pais" volume 18

Monday, April 16, 2007

These Easter I have gone from vacations to Morocco, the first six days we passed them in the Atlas, the group was formed by twenty people plus the mules and the people who took them, that was necessary to take our knapsacks, the food and the tents. By the day we walked by the mountain, and in the evening we arrived at the villages. The rest of the days we passed them in Marraquech, that is a city of Morocco, the best thing of the city is the main square that this flood of snake charmers, women that paint with henna, placed of food, story tellers…