Sunday, May 20, 2007

William Shakespeare is born the 26 of april of 1564 and he died the 23 of april of 1616.
Shakespeare is considered the most important writer in English language and one of most famous of universal Literature. The works of Shakespeare have been translated multitude of languages and their dramatic pieces continue imagining everywhere. With the passage of time, much has been speculated on on its life, questioning its sexuality, its religious affiliation, and even, the responsibility of its works. These are some of their works, Mucho ruido y pocas nueces, El mercader de Venecia, El sueño de una noche de verano and Romeo and Juliet.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Is normally that in EU have very criminality, because there the majority of people have weapons and is not rare. The children are born seeing arms in their daily life and with the society saying to them that they are something useful and necessary. Then when some boy has a psychological problem, he is very easy to obtain a weapon to him and to kill all the one that is put to him ahead, like passage in the institute of columbine in 1999 or the one of Virginia Tech in 2007, in the last they killed 32 people.
And it is that in E.E.U.U they arm until opening an account to you in the bank. Where we are going to arrive? , I think that the solution is to prohibit the arms, safe in essential cases.
For more information of the film click here

Friday, April 20, 2007


The Sahara this located to the south that is to say, underneath Morocco. It is a country with a serious political problem that is this: Before, the Sahara was a Spanish protectorate, but Hassan II I order the “marcha verde” and govern Spanish gave the back them. The town saharaui was bombed with napalm and white phosphorus, and had to take refuge in hamadas. Nowadays it has more than 200000 people than they continue there, living in bad conditions and that thanks to the international aid survive, whereas the politicians turn the head before the problem.
The culture of the town Sahara is a mixture between African and bereber, reason why she is rich in all his qualities as much in the song, the dance or the poetry the characteristics of the culture are of nomadic origin, always dedicated to the love to the nature, appreciating specially as much the vegetation as the climatic changes.
The power point
of the Sahara that you put to us in the school.
Bibliography: The encyclopaedia "El Pais" volume 18

Monday, April 16, 2007

These Easter I have gone from vacations to Morocco, the first six days we passed them in the Atlas, the group was formed by twenty people plus the mules and the people who took them, that was necessary to take our knapsacks, the food and the tents. By the day we walked by the mountain, and in the evening we arrived at the villages. The rest of the days we passed them in Marraquech, that is a city of Morocco, the best thing of the city is the main square that this flood of snake charmers, women that paint with henna, placed of food, story tellers…

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Several theories exist on the history of the Day of San Valentin. Some affirm that the origins are in San Valentin, a Roman who became martyr to deny to resign his Christian faith, and to try to help to escape to the Christians of the jails of the Romans, and whom day 14 died. According to other historical stories, San Valentin would have served as he cures in the temple during the kingdom of Claudius III when the Emperor decided that welded the young men had all being, and prohibited the marriage. Valentin would realize injustice of the decree and would privade follow dirigiendio the marriage rite for young pairs until he would be discovered by Claudius who him would jail to him by challenge. According to the legend, San Valentin left a letter of goodbye to the daughter of the jailer with whom had fallen in love during his imprisonment, and this letter would be the first letter of love of San Valentin. It left at the end of same his company/signature “Of his Valentin”, company/signature that convirtiría in popular for the pairs that are sent cards with phrases of san Valentin. Aside from all this San Valentin it is but who nothing an excuse that gives the stores so that you buy things for your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The class of 3º and 4º, we are enrolled in an contest organized by cedar, the contest is to make an investigation, and we are going it to do of a film in original version, the works are made in power point or in video, when we finish them we send them and single to compete they gave a knapsack to us, but, if you win Cedro give, to each person of the group a laptop him


The greenhouse effect is a terrible problem for the planet, one takes place due to the cars, factories, and everything what emits CO2,the solar radiation enters the planet but soon because of CO2 and other gases it cannot leave and it bounces. The causes is that the temperature increases and the global heating reason why the poles with time will go melting and some sites were flooded. In addition did much heat. So there is to do something to solution it already.