Saturday, December 30, 2006


We went to gather the prize to paraninfo of the University of Valencia, those of Escuela2 we were before in the seat of the patriarch and 7:00 h we entered the room, he was very pretty and elegant, and was full of pictures of old directors of the university. Also were the winners of the second prize, we seated and a few people talked among them the director of the university and Madda, her talked to thank the prize(1000 e and and knapsacks for all), later they did photos to us with the prize, and we found out that it had come to see the delivery of prizes, Carmen Alborch,that she is the candidate of the PSOE to be mayor of Valencia. Link to the
future magazine where they speak of us.


Before in the Soviet union the religious celebrations were not celebrated, and importance did not occur them. But now, they celebrate this: the 6 at night festeja the God birth, that is to say, Christmas, that in Spain becomes the 25, they prepare a food, but gifts do not occur, is a religious celebration, not familiar, go to the church where they make a special "misa".
In new year's eve they meet with the family, a great food becomes and later by each campanada they request a desire. For the Russians the new year's eve is more important that Christmas, in this date if they receive gifts.

Friday, December 29, 2006

In Spain we spent Christmas of these way: day 24 we celebrated Pope noel, that he is a personage dressed in a red suit and beard that brings gifts to the children who have behaved well and to that not because it brings coal to them.
The 28 are the day of the innocent saints and the tradition is to crack jokes to people and to hang dolls to him of paper in the back without of account.
The day 31 is New Year's Eve, and it is celebrated taking twelve grapes simultaneously that they sound the twelv "campanadas" ones that announce the New Year. It is tradition to take an article of red color to have luck in the love in the next year, and to finish day 6 of January, the magical kings of west bring more Christmas presents, during all these dates he is typical to eat "turrones" and "mazapanes"of dessert.