Monday, November 27, 2006


A kiss happens when two people join their lips. There is different types from kisses, this the screw kiss, the tip, the kiss of friend, both kisses that you give to people usually… When your give a kiss it beams to express the affection and what you feel the other person.


The last year we appeared to an contest of blog that makes the University of Valencia, we did an entrance every week and we put links and photos to him. When we had already forgotten the contest, one day says Maria to us: we have gained the contest. We were glad very many, the prize are 1000 and for the school, that must spend in scholastic material. Although the contest already to finished we continued making new entrances for blog, and I hope that we become to present/display the contest.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The population are 18.165.0000 inhabitants composed of Chinese black, targets, mulatos, Indians and. They are makua, nyanja, batonga and caranga. The capital is Maputo with a population of 931,591 inhabitants. The official language is the Portuguese, although several bantĂșes dialectos are spoken. A typical plate is the Matata ("estofado" of clams in peanut. The majority religions are: the catholic, the Muslim and the protestant.